Restore default font settings windows 10
Restore default font settings windows 10

Fewer Windows Fonts Means Faster Load Times The hard drive must search through and load all the fonts. (and so is the font directory), and if you have too many, this causes delays as Using word processing programs or photo editors. On the system as you mentioned can result in significant lag especially when There isn't a clear-cut way to do this in Windows, and having too many fonts Question: how can I determine which fonts are necessary for Windows to run properly, and which I can uninstall to reduce load time and clutter? Thanks! " Some of the fonts I chose to install, some came pre-bundled with programs, and some came from previous versions of Windows when I upgraded (I am now using Windows 7 Ultimate).

restore default font settings windows 10 restore default font settings windows 10 restore default font settings windows 10

I'm using a laptop that I've had for several years, during which time I've accumulated a sizable number of fonts in the c:\windows\fonts directory.

Restore default font settings windows 10